
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jeff and Jack went to Guestroom Records 5th anniversary party and saw the Evangelicals play (hence the headphones to block the loud music). Jill was away in Omaha playing roller derby and one of her injured players that could not go to Omaha took this picture of them and sent it to Jill in a text message! Thanks Critical Sass!


At 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Jill this pic is tooooo cute.

At 8:09 PM , Blogger Lisa Garbe said...

In a bad mood because I'm going to a late class tonight...but no more. Jack and Jeff, you look like you're having a ball. :)

At 2:18 PM , Blogger ARCHIBALD AND MILLICENT said...

Cute! So rock n' roll!

At 1:21 AM , Blogger Flannel Cape Movie Club said...

he's more hip than i


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